To those of you who regularly read the comments on this blog, you will frequently encounter pithy, funny, learned comments by reader KrazyTA. He is as likely to quote a Greek philosopher as to quote Groucho Marx. And he constantly reminds us to laugh.

Here is his latest, in which he explains the mysterious acronym TAGO, first written here by Señor Swacker. .

“Special Educator NY: all credit to Duane Swacker—



And to the most esteemed SomeDAM Poet:

I am surprised that you don’t seem to know the Secretary of Education’s favorite song.

According to the usual unconfirmed rumors, it is pasted on the ceiling of his DOE office. So on those frequent occasions when he is resting from his tiresome toiling on behalf of “the kids” he can recite the “Song of Myself.” [Note: he, er, “borrowed” without attribution the title—as educrats are wont to do with many things on their resumés—from Walt Whitman, just as he, er, borrowed the words and tune to the song. But let’s leave that for another occasion…]

“I could wile away the hours

Conferrin’ with the flowers

Consultin’ with the rain

And my head I’d be scratchin’

While my thoughts were busy hatchin’

If I only had a brain.”

Wow! Talk about not seeking refuge in the unexamined life! Socrates—we’ve got a live one!


The only catch: he hasn’t told his speechwriters.

*But not to worry: they already know. That’s why in his speeches over the last two years he is steadfastly for & steadfastly against & steadfastly somewhat for/somewhat against high-stakes standardized testing.

Rheeally! In a Johnsonally sort of way…*
